Women Who Code Delhi Mentor-ship Program 2.0 : Week 2
After a fantastic Week 1 I was looking forward to the Week 2 of this program. I got a call from my mentor ( Parina Mam) on 29th January to discuss this week target. So my this week target was to complete a project on Javascript and trying a few questions on Dynamic Programming (DP) from a variety of online platforms.
To complete the first target I made following projects on Javascript :
- Scorekeeper of a two player game :
My github repository link : https://github.com/hgoyal254/score-keeper
This a basic Javascript project. It helps to keep track for the score of 2 player games like tic-tac-toe ,stone-paper-scissors etc. One can set the target in this . It does not involve much of styling(CSS) part. - Color Game project :
My github repository link : https://github.com/hgoyal254/Color-Game-
It is a basic color game project. This is a type of quiz game. It has 3 difficulty levels- Easy (3 colors) , Medium(6 colors) , Hard(9 colors). It gives you a RGB color combination and you are required to guess color out the giving colors. This is more advanced than the previous one(as per my view 😁).
As for the second target I tried the following questions of Dynamic Programming (DP) :
- The basic ones :
1. Min Step to 1
2. Fibonacci
3. Staircase
4. Minimum Count
5. No of balanced BSTs for a given height
6. Factorial - Some difficult one :
1. Minimum number of Coins
2. Min Cost Path
3. Edit Distance
4. Knapsack 0 –1
5. Loot House
This week has been very exciting because I built 2 projects and solved a few questions on Dynamic Programming (which is always a challenging part for me). Completing this week is a sort of great achievement for me. I am very happy after completing this week target. I am really excited and looking forward to the remaining 3 weeks of the mentor-ship program.